The Ha Phuong Foundation
Nurturing Talent at the Boys & Girls Club in Orange County, California
As an artist herself, coming from a family of talented performers and musicians, HP is passionate about helping underprivileged children develop their artistic talents. To that end the Ha Phuong Foundation built the Ha Phuong Multi-Media Arts Center in Huntington Beach in partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove.
Specifically, the art center puts technology into the hands of young people and allows them to creatively express themselves while simultaneously providing them with market-ready job skills by training them to use professional equipment and software. The facility will not only offer access to music and the arts, but also provide young people career training.
In these photos we see her sit down for a meal with the students in the Arts Center and chat with them about their activities. In addition to the performing arts, HP is an advocate for literacy, and she donated many books. She also often performs private concerts for the youngsters.
To demonstrate her extraordinary commitment to helping the children, Ha Phuong pledged all of her future earnings, directing 100% of revenue – including DVD and CD sales, concert revenue, and royalties – from her music and acting career to the Ha Phuong Foundation.