The Ha Phuong Foundation
Suoi Tien Theme Park and a Special Childrens’ Parade
While Ha Phuong has always been compassionate towards children and the less fortunate, it was when she became a mother that she truly understood children on a much deeper level. She realized that there needs to be a delicate balance between having fun and keeping them entertained, while still making sure that their most basic needs are always well taken care of. This balance was difficult to attain for children living in this and other orphanages because of the environment of deprivation in which they had lived for their entire lives.
Often they had barely received enough food to keep then well-nourished and enough clothing to keep them warm. As a result many of them had never been able to have the kind of fun that children also need.
Therefore, in addition to monetary support, HP took a group of Vietnamese orphans to visit the Suoi Tien theme park. There they rode on the delightful rides and ate family meals. In addition, HP organized a parade there specifically for the children. The parade’s theme was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and HP—dressed as Snow white— participated with the children for a day both she and they will long remember.